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玩具新動員指尖陀螺 賦予「玩具」新面貌By now, you or one of your friends probably owns a three-armed toy called a fidget spinner. It seems like almost every kid has one, but how did they become so popular? The toy was originally designed to help children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) stay relaxed and focused. As soon as others saw the toys, children all over the world wanted one. They shared and talked about them on social media websites, like Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. 你或你的朋友可能都有一個外型是3片分支的玩具,這個就是指尖陀螺。小朋友現在手上幾乎人手一個,它為什麼這麼受歡迎呢?它原本是為了患有ADHD(注意力不足過動症)的孩子所設計的,用來幫助他們放鬆和集中注意力。一看到這款玩具,全世界所有的小朋友都想擁有它。人們經常在社群媒體網站,如臉書、YouTube和Instagram上,與他人分享、討論任何跟指尖陀螺有關的事。 #div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0 iframe { margin:auto; display: block; }

#div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0 > div { margin: auto; display: block !important; }圖/Ingimage 分享 facebook LOL Surprise娃娃開箱驚喜!The Internet made the fidget spinner popular almost overnight. That’s how powerful the Internet can be. Kids love watching other children on YouTube play with their fidget spinners or even just open the box of a new toy. Toy companies noticed this trend of “unboxing” videos. So a company in California made a ball called LOL Surprise Doll. You unwrap layers of it to find all the little toys hidden inside. You don’t know what’s inside until you open it!網際網路讓指尖陀螺一夕爆紅,可見網路有多強大!小朋友喜歡在YouTube上,觀看其他小孩玩指尖陀螺或開箱新玩具。玩具公司注意到這股「開箱」影片的熱潮,加州一家玩具公司順勢推出玩具球「LOL驚喜娃娃」。撕開一層層包裝,就可以找到藏在裡面的小玩具。沒打開它,你就不知道裡面有什麼驚喜!2017耶誕季 3大明星小玩意今年準備好過聖誕節了嗎?如果你需要一些挑選禮物的想法,這裡有幾個新奇的玩具,提供給你參考。魔法寵物蛋Hatchimals CollEGGtiblesHatchimals CollEGGtibles will be everywhere soon. You need to warm up a little egg so it will hatch. Every time you “hatch” a new one, it’s a surprise.很快到處都可以看到魔法寵物蛋。你得幫迷你蛋增暖,它才能孵化。每次「孵」蛋,都可以給你驚喜。小靈通SqweeksIf you liked Transformers: The Last Knight, you probably can’t wait for the autobot toy called Sqweeks. You can control him, make him dance, battle or say funny things.如果你喜歡《變形金剛5:最終騎士》,你可能等不及想擁有「小靈通」了,這款玩具是依據電影裡的「博派」角色所做的。你可以操控它,讓它跳舞、打鬥,或指使它說些好笑的東西。手指溜溜球Thumb Chucks Thumb Chucks could be the next new fidget spinner. These simple toys light up and come in different colors. You can learn to do tricks and show off to your friends.手指溜溜球可能會是下一個指尖陀螺。這個簡單的玩具會發亮,而且有好幾款顏色呢。你可以學一些花招動作,向同學炫耀一下。 善用小玩具 練出4大成長力創造力Toys you put together by yourself help your brain grow, like Legos. The toy blocks have been popular worldwide for over sixty years. First you need to imagine something to build, then you need to build it.自行組裝玩具的過程,有助於大腦的發展,「樂高」就是這樣的玩具。樂高積木已經風行全球超過60年。玩樂高時,首先得先想像要把積木組裝成什麼東西,接下來,你得動手把它組出來。認知能力Maybe you like puzzles or number games. Sudoku and Rubik’s Cubes are great examples. These games use numbers, shapes and pictures and help your brain to see patterns.或許你喜歡玩猜謎或數字遊戲,那麼「數獨」和「魔術方塊」就是最好的例子。這兩種遊戲運用數字、形狀及圖案,幫助你的大腦找出事物的規律。運動能力Toy centers are great for young children. These large toy sets have many different things, like gears that turn. Toys like these are great for little fingers.對幼兒來說,玩具包是很棒的東西。這類大型的玩具套組裡,包含可以轉動的齒輪等許多不同的零件,對小朋友動手實作很有幫助。社交能力Kids love toy versions of grown-up things, like toy kitchens. These toys help us learn what things are important when we interact with other people. They can also help us feel less afraid in real life.小孩子很愛「玩具版」的大人世界,例如「玩具廚房」。這些玩具幫助我們了解,與他人互動時,哪些事情是重要的。這些玩具也可幫助我們面對實際生活時,不會感到那麼害怕。玩得開心,也要玩得放心跟年幼的弟弟、妹妹一起玩耍時,身為哥哥或姊姊的你,如何確認手邊的玩具是安全的?請務必留意以下幾點。小心細小的零件If a toy is smaller than a grape, somebody could swallow it. They might choke on it.玩具如果比葡萄還小顆,年幼的小朋友可能會把它吞下去,並因此噎到。 小心盒子和袋子Many toys come in plastic bags. That could be dangerous if a young child goes inside and cannot breathe.很多玩具買來時,是用塑膠袋裝著。如果幼兒鑽進塑膠袋裡,導致無法呼吸,情況會非常危險。 有任何問題,一定要請教父母If you’re not sure, always ask Mom or Dad first. They can read the instructions to make sure the toy is safe for everybody.玩玩具時,碰到不懂的地方,務必先問爸媽。他們可以看懂玩具使用說明書,幫你確認你手上的玩具是安全的。專題企畫/Jason Young文/Sloan Sabbith中文翻譯/Jason Young、陳仙茜(本文轉載自【新一代兒童週報】010期)87967F8C7C987100
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